Yes, there really is a wine box. It’s full of affordable and delicious wine that costs on average around $25 a bottle or $300 a case. Or, there have been and will again. How, what or when are are always a bit in the air. The box is really more of an idea. It’s not a business, it’s really more for fun and a way to focus one’s attention on the missing middle in the wine world between plonk and restaurant wines.
The real idea is that the wines reviewed on this site ought to be in everyone’s box, and if you follow along then your box could be full of good wine too. Still, if you live in downtown Toronto, and if you really want to have one the boxes, then get in touch by the means below, and I’ll see what I can do. – Malcolm
Boxes to date: MJ Wine Box 001 and MJ Wine Box 002.