I’m Malcolm Jolley and I have been writing about wine and food for some time. When I am not working on MJ Wine Box, I currently write the wine column at The Hub. MJ Wine Box, and the mjwinebox.com, website is my latest project. Before this I founded gremolata.com (2004-9), Canada’s first fine food and wine dedicated website, and I co-founded Good Food Revolution, which continues to be edited by my former business partner Jamie Drummond. I have written regular food columns for The National Post newspaper and Chatelaine magazine, and travelled the world to meet winemakers and visit them in their natural habitats. I love wine (and food; wine is food), I love enjoying it in good company, and I love sharing the stories that come out of its special world. Please join me on this adventure.
The box part of MJ Wine Box is really a box of wine: 12 sample bottles of six wines delivered to MJ Wine Boxers. Boxer membership is right now limited friends and family. We are ironing out the wrinkles and I am a journalist learning about logistics… But MJ Wine Boxes will be available to downtown Toronto residents as it rolls out neighbourhood by neighbourhood in 2022.
Wine Boxes will be available monthly to start, and will be timed to LCBO Vintages releases. Editorial content at mjwinebox.com, including reviews, interviews and guest columns will be updated regularly.
This is the internet, so I hope people from all over will find interesting content on this website. The wines featured on it are wines available in the Greater Toronto Area though, of course, many are also available elsewhere.
Ah well, good question… why not? I’ve spent most of my adult life trying to drink as well as I can within my budget. I’ve picked up a few tricks of the trade here and there. My work is to share them and pick up even more as I do. This is what I like to do.